Monthly Events

Full Moon Chats: Hosted on the Facebook group every full moon. Topics include discussing the upcoming sabbat, lunar energies, full moon ritual work, and addressing any other questions the community might have.

Drum Circle: Each new moon, the community is invited to participate in a drum circle. The location changes based on weather and availability, so check our Facebook group for the most current information.

Yearly Events

Sabbats: We host all eight of the major sabbats most commonly followed by all paths of Paganism. At each of these events, the members typically contribute to a community potluck, take part in seasonal crafts/activities, and perform a ritual to mark the turning of the wheel. Be sure to check out our Paganism pages to learn more!

Public Outreach: The group makes regular outreach attempts at various partner organization group events including those hosted by North Country Gender Alliance.

Park Cleanup: Each year, the group makes regular efforts to host park cleanup events where members are asked to meet at a designated park and help keep our community parks beautiful.