Wheel of the Year

What is the Wheel of the Year?

Wiccans follow “The Wheel of the Year” which marks 8 sabbats, or holy days, which begin at sunset and continue to the next morning. The sabbats observe the seasons and/or celestial events throughout the year and are as follows:

  • Samhain – October 31/Nov 1
  • Yule/Winter Solstice – December 20/21
  • Imbolc – February 1/2
  • Ostara/Spring Equinox – March 20/21
  • Beltane – Apr 30/May 1
  • Litha/Summer Soltice – June 20/21
  • Lughnasadh/Lammas – August 1/2
  • Mabon/Autumn Equinox – September 20/21

*Please see our articles on each sabbat for more details.